
Our Swami Dhyan Alok (Swami ji)

Swami Dhyan Alok,fondly addressed as Swami ji, is an Indian Yogi, Mystic and Life Coach..
At the age of 8 years, with his own inclination, Swamiji got initiated into Sanyaas.On realizing the pseudo and trivial facet of material things, he entered into a deep silence in solitude & Sadhana for 2 long years. Thereby, he was able to experience a mystical explosion in his inner domain, the sudden flow of light & timeless energy. He felt within a new state of ecstasy and awakening. He also had the fortune of staying for five years in the Himalayas amidst a lot of monks & sanyaasis. He was able to assimilate from them numerous unique techniques and knacks to enable individuals to enter in the innermost domain of love, meditation and to be one with the Creator.
He is an MBA in Human Resources by education with specialization in foreign languages. He underwent further studies at the Osho Commune (Multiversity) where he observed new dimensions of teaching to the modern individuals of the current era. At the same time, he kept on absorbing all the unique Osho, Zen, Sufi, Tantra and Buddha’s Meditation techniques.
Reaching back to his hometown, he started with organizing meditation camps in public as he felt that “there was a lot of scope to work among youngsters & needy groups”. The experience of conducting camps & working with teams like- police personnel, jail inmates, corporate professionals, colleges & schools made him realize that much more than a few days of meditation camps was required. He initially started an Ashram, but finding that only desperate & old age people were joining the workshops, he then established an institute named--Genius Temple so as to train the younger lot. The journey from being a person to becoming a personality.

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